Sunday, May 6, 2007

Dancing can be a form of relation therapy

Yes, you got it right! Dancing can be a form of relation therapy, and it's fun and relaxing too. I'm taking ballroom and Latin dance lessons together with my husband for 3 years now. And I came to realize that it can really be a form of relation therapy.

Dancing reveals a lot about the nature of ones relationship. In dancing, the woman has to let herself be led by the man. As our dance instructor would always tell us, "Trust your partner, let him lead. If he doesn't , then don't take it over". Right from the start of our dance lessons, we immeidately noticed that I find it hard to let myself be led by my husband. This actually reflects a lot about our relationship. In our relationship I tend to just do my own things, and my husband has his own things too. And we are used to just coordinating our activities. We enjoy though talking about each of our activities, but we are sort of independent from each other in what we do. But we were really never conscious of this, until we started taking dance lessons. How we dance reflects a lot about the nature of our relationship. We have really never come to a point in our dancing that my husband has the leading role. We sort of learned to accept it and live by it, and just found a practical solution to it by coordinating the dance steps we will be doing, and which direction we will be dancing. And somehow by doing this, we are able to pretty much dance in step with each other. We do make mistakes, and sometimes argue who made the mistake. But more often we are able to laugh at our mistakes. We are not really the best dancers in our group, though we are not the worst either. But more importantly we enjoy our dancing lessons very much. It is very relaxing, fun to do and especially fun to do together. Just like our relationship, we get along pretty well by coordinating our activities, activities we do independently from each other and thus giving each of us the space and room to work on our personal development in our own manner and pace. Just like dancing, we talk about it and make sure that we are still in pace with each other. Just like dancing we enjoy the company of each other, we sometimes argue about things, but more importantly we can laugh about our mistakes. Just like dancing, our relationship is very relaxing, and we have fun being together. So, why don't you take dancing lessons with your partner and discover the nature of your relationship. It's fun!